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Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Showroom ( ROKA vs ManneQueens )

new year 2011, although late.. lol..

This year me and my friend (ROKA) was no longer rent a showroom in the Royal Plaza Surabaya.
I returned home to Tulungagung and will open a showroom near my grandfather's house.
While waiting for my personal showroom complete renovation, to fill the time (probably 2-3 months ahead), I will be more focused to working on my collection (a collection of kebaya, casual wear, accessories, craft, etc.).
I want to make this showroom as comfortable as possible, not only as a place to sell but also the place to express the art that I had.

wait for further news from me.. :D

( our collection in our showroom )

3 komentar:

  1. aku punya banyak keluarga (family in law) di tulung agung, tp blm pernah sekalipun kesana.

    semoga sukses selalu dengan tempat barunya ;D

  2. wah, berarti yang di royal tiu udah ga buka lagi dong, kak.
    ehm.. ya ya ya
    sukses selalu ya kak :)

  3. @mbak fitri : kapan2 main ke Tulungagung mbak..
    Amin, trimakasih doanya.. :D

    @Adina : masih, sampai bulan maret..
    Trimakasih doanya.. :D


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