I get a "blogger award" from cynthia. Cynthia is the owner of the blog "daisy sunshine". Thank you very much for cynthia.. :)

And to receive award, i should following these rules :
1. Answer these questions :
- How long have you been blogging?
* already for 1 year
- When did the first time you blogged?
* I started blogging on march 2010.
- What is your purpose of making a blog?
* at first, I wanted to create a blog to display photographs of my work clothes and crafts. also to look for consumers. but eventually I was drawn to create an online diary. if you have time, please stop by my online diary here. :)
* in fact, a lot of the bloggers who inspire me. I can not mention one by one. certainly, they and of course you too, have a lot to inspire me in making a good post and good quality. I am very grateful to have many good friends like you all the bloggers. thank you very much for all of you .. :)
2. Send this award to four other bloggers > so, I give this award to :
* Mbak Nadiyah > Tamimi
* Nea > Miss Nea Muslimovic
* Dija > Baby Dija
* Candella > Ceritanya Ini Cerita Hujan
hopefully, the blogger whose name I mentioned, are happy to receive this award.. Do not forget to follow my blog .. thank you .. :D
waaaaaaahhhh.... ada nama nea...:)
BalasHapusso sweet, dpt award..makasih ya :)
BalasHapusselamat buat ya yg dapet award.. :D
BalasHapusbuat yg belum dapet,sabar ya.. nunggu aku dapet award lg, ntar aku bagi'in.. hehe..
huaaaaaaaa makasiiih ameliaa sagaaa :D *hug*
BalasHapussama2 candella... :D *hug
BalasHapusdari mbak Nadiyah, ke saya nih. Ijin follow yah...
BalasHapushello sis!
BalasHapussalam kenal..dari blogger baru juga nih..baru satu minggu!hehe
cek-cek dl ah!
@mbak Ami : silahkan mbak.. nanti saya follback..^^
BalasHapus@Niwira : salam kenal juga sist.. makasih ya sudah menyempatkan mampir.. nanti saya mampir ke blognya sist..^^