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Rabu, 13 April 2011


I'm trying to focus to do this :

( has completed 25% )

This is the kebaya to be used by my friend when she married next month. She wanted to hire a kebaya to me, she will wear kebaya for the wedding reception. and I offer myself to her, to become a sponsor. I need to finish later this month.

This is project kebaya I am going to do for 1 year. Plans in 2011, I will make 12 collections of short kebaya. but only 3 'kebaya' that has been stitched, but not yet given application. and the brown is a bolero that is alsonot yet finished. >,<

And my other project is making some brooches ..

hopefully all my projects I can finish up with satisfactory results.

 *Note : sorry if my english is not good, I tried to practice my english for better. :D

7 komentar:

  1. ayoo mbak semangaat, aku juga lg butuh fokus belajar ni, hiks, malah blogging dan fesbukin :( sling mendoakan ya :D

  2. amin, semoga semua terselesaikan.. semangatttt!!!!

  3. @amalia : trimakasih.. ayoo sama2 semangaaattt.. kurangin kluyuran di dunia maya dulu.. hihi..

    @aishi : Amiiinn.. trimakasih semangatnya.. km juga semangaaattt yaa.. :D

  4. fokus itu kadang sulit, tapi mesti. biar kita memperoleh hasil maksimal dari apa yang kita kerjakan :)

  5. @Rakun : iya sangat sulit >,< harus bener2 berusaha.. :D

  6. First of all : met ultah buat ManneQueens :)

    Next : cm mo bilang..... Boleronya ayo diselesaikaaan! Nampaknya akan jadi cantik dan anggun deh tuh.. :)

  7. @mba' tika : Trimakasih mba'.. :D
    iya ntar pasti diselesaikan ko'.. lagi ngebut selesaikan kebaya yg coklat dulu.. kerja sendiri nih, makanya lamaaaa selesainya.. hehe..


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